Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Maokai - The Twisted Treant

The twisting magical energies unleashed by mages during the Rune Wars caused an incredible amount of devastation to the natural world. The League was established to control the use of this magic by confining it to the Fields of Justice. By limiting its use to there, they thought that they could prevent it from doing further harm to the environment. It seemed that they were successful until Maokai came into being. During a League match on The Twisted Treeline, Maokai, an ancient oak that stood above the upper jungle, spontaneously roared to life. Ripped from the natural balance by arcane forces, his sentience was forged in chaos. Before the Adjudicators of the League could step in and suppress him, he slew all six champions participating in the match. The scholars of the Arcanum Majoris took a keen interest in him, as they were eager to discover the secrets of his animation.
Maokai was furious, however. He abhorred the existence that was thrust upon him; he felt it was a corruption of nature. He learned to communicate with people in hopes of finding a way to be returned to his former, true state. Seizing the opportunity, the League offered a trade. They would research a way to revert him so long as he agreed to fight in the League of Legends. Maokai was indifferent to verdicts rendered by the League, but he was eager to punish summoners for their wanton use of magic. He agreed to the terms under one condition: once they learned how to turn him back, they would never animate another tree again. He wears a lantern on the Fields of Justice to set him apart from the other trees, and as a warning to the “animals” that would do him harm.

“I will use this power until I am free of it.” –Maokai

Here is a simple Cutout image of Maokai

Moakai's Champion Spotlight

Moakai's Art Spotlight

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Singed Opening a Portal to Hell

The evil scientist has been hard at work behind the scenes developing his potions in order to facilitate his domination of Runeterra. During one of his experiments something unfathomable happened, the evil scientist inadvertently opened a doorway to the nether world! What horrors can we expect to see from the Mad Chemist in the coming weeks?

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Karma - The Enlightened One

Even in her youth, Karma exhibited almost superhuman composure. While her peers explored the torrent of emotions that came with adolescence, Karma meditated in the Lotus Gardens. She was convinced that the true path to enlightenment was a journey inward, to a place within the self, overlooked by most. She exuded such inner contentment that she quickly became a go-to mediator and confidante in her village. Her instructors used to say: "That girl can not only weather a storm, but calm it." Karma did not live extravagantly; her parents owned a local business selling antiques in the Navori province and they often struggled to provide for themselves, though they did so with cheery optimism. Her most prized possessions were two exquisite fans taken from her family's shop.

When Noxian troops invaded southern Ionia, her village was one of the first to fall. The villagers who survived the assault were captured by Noxian forces. It was then that Karma found her calling. By exploiting the insecurities of the Noxian commander, she negotiated the safe release of the villagers to the northern lands. She was present at the Placidium, where the Elders had considered surrender until Irelia's impassioned last stand renewed the Ionians' hope. Karma used this hope to solidify the Elders' commitment to remain defiant against the Noxian onslaught. For her devotion and charisma, Karma was made the figurehead of the Ionian resistance. She never compromised, and she shared every hardship with her people, even when it came to combat. By tapping into her inner resilience, she discovered that she could bring great force to bear against her foes on the battlefield. She modified her fans into lethal implements, and was tutored by Janna to enhance their effects. The Noxians called her "The Enlightened One," a nickname she embraced, and one which they would come to dread. She joined the League to represent Ionia in the ultimate political arena.

"Her fan technique is a deadly art of grace and poise, but her truest strength lies in the hearts of those willing to die alongside her." –Irelia, the Will of the Blades

Here is a cut out of Karma's SunGoddess skin.

Karma's Champion Spotlight where Riot Phreak shows off her abilities while giving tips and insight into playing the champion.

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

My Cho

Been loving me some Cho'Gath lately. I think he is going to pull me up and out of ELO hell... Massive health, silence and knockup, and lets not get into the 800 point true damage ULT he totes around. Decided to redecorate my desktop and needed something cool and new with my new man Cho,

One of the first things I noticed about GIMP was I could not control click a layer and select everything on it. Thankfully after watching a couple videos on Youtube I found out you can right click and "selection from alpha" to do the same thing. Finally cool text returns!